Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don't Just Treat the Symptoms, REVERSE Aging in Hair

We've all heard it before: The hair is basically dead once it leaves the scalp. Still, we notice that the hair slowly loses shine, strength, and volume over time, and ask is there ANYTHING we can do to bring that shine, thickness, and resilience back? 

Chemical Processing/Styling Ages the hair:

Hair is constantly assaulted by excessive heat styling, cheap products, chemical processing and sun exposure. While there are many products promising to fight the symptoms of aging hair, Essence of Youth is a salon-only product that uses breakthrough Anti-technology to actually reverse this damage. 

Breakthrough Anti-Aging Technology: The new BOTOX® for your hair*:

Essence of Youth reverses aging in the hair two ways. The first is by addressing the damage in the hair accrued over time. Essence injects a powerful blend of active natural ingredients including: collagen, antioxidants, and elastin into the hair which actually repairs damage inside and on the surface of the follicle. The results: shiny, smooth, baby-soft hair with zero imperfections.

Boosting Hair's Elasticity, Strength, & Volume:

How about adding more volume to your hair? Aging hair needs more volume. Essence of Youth doesn't just create the illusion of thicker hair, Essence actually fattens the hair strand, which adds more volume to thinning hair. The LunaMatrix® system infuses the hair follicle with moisture and collagen which increases the hair's strength and elasticity. Young hair is like a rubber-band that can expand and contract without snapping. Aging hair loses this elasticity over time, which makes it brittle and weak. Essence of Youth restores this elasticity, making the hair stronger and more resilient. 

Essence of Youth is now available in innovative salons in Chicago, the Northeast and now, Miami, South Florida. To find a salon near you, use the website SALON FINDER or call Olez customer care: 1-800-251-2479

BOTOX®  is a trademark of Allergan, Inc. and is not affiliated with Boca Cosmetics Group or Olez in any shape or form.

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